Local Install Dev Environment

If you've installed Gopherbot on a Linux host or VM, you can just create an empty directory under your home directory, add your .env file (without GOPHER_PROTOCOL), and start gopherbot in terminal mode - letting the bootstrap plugin retrieve the rest of your robot:

[parse@hakuin ~]$ mkdir clu-dev
[parse@hakuin ~]$ cd clu-dev/
[parse@hakuin clu-dev]$ vim .env # paste, save
[parse@hakuin clu-dev]$ ln -s /opt/gopherbot/gopherbot .
[parse@hakuin clu-dev]$ ./gopherbot 
2020/12/02 14:28:46 Initialized logging ...
2020/12/02 14:28:46 Loaded initial private environment from '.env'
clu-jobs: Restore finished
OUT: echo Agent pid 11337 killed;
c:general/u:alice ->

Once you're robot has bootstrapped to the directory and created the custom/ subdirectory, you can press <ctrl-d> to exit the robot, or open another terminal window in the same directory to use Gopherbot's CLI commands, discussed in the next section. When you're finished, it's good practice to remove all but the .env file and gopherbot symlink, to avoid working with a stale repository.