1. Title
  2. Status
  3. Foreword
  4. Introduction
  5. Terminology
  6. Part I - Getting Started
  7. The Gopherbot IDE
  8. Installing and Configuring a Gopherbot Robot
    1. Installation on Linux
      1. Software Requirements
      2. Installing Gopherbot
    2. Team Chat Credentials
      1. Slack Socket Mode
    3. Initial Robot Setup
      1. Environment Requirements
      2. Robot Directory Structure
      3. Quick Start with the Gopherbot IDE
  9. Deploying and Running Your Robot
    1. Deployment Environment Variables
    2. Running in a Container
      1. Docker Example
      2. Deploying to Kubernetes
    3. Running with Systemd
  10. Part II - Working with Your Robot
  11. Robot Basics
    1. Addressing your Robot
    2. Command Matching
    3. Availability by Channel
    4. The built-in Help System
    5. Standard Commands
    6. Context
  12. Managing Your Robot
    1. Updating from Git
    2. Container Dev Environment
    3. Local Install Dev Environment
    4. CLI Operation
      1. Encrypting Secrets
    5. Using the Terminal Connector
    6. Administrator Commands
    7. Logging
  13. Part III - Worked Examples
  14. Writing Your First Plugin
  15. Writing Custom Extensions for Your Robot
    1. Style Guide
      1. Help for Invalid Command Syntax
  16. Gopherbot Tool Integrations
    1. Integrating with SSH
  17. Part IV - Reference
  18. Gopherbot Configuration Reference
    1. Configuration File Loading
    2. Job and Plugin Configuration
    3. Troubleshooting
  19. Gopherbot Scripting API
    1. Script Environment Variables
    2. Language Templates
    3. Attribute Retrieval
    4. Brain Methods
    5. Message Sending
    6. Pipeline Construction
    7. Requesting Responses
    8. Utility
  20. Pipelines, Plugins, Jobs and Tasks
    1. The Primary Pipeline
    2. The Final Pipeline
    3. The Fail Pipeline
    4. Task Environment Variables
    5. All Included Tasks
  21. Appendix
  22. Appendix
    1. A - Gopherbot Install Archive
    2. B - Protocols
      1. B.1 - Slack
      2. B.2 - Rocket.Chat
      3. B.3 - Terminal
      4. B.4 - Test
      5. B.5 - Nullconn