Note on Parameters and Environment Variables: The Gopherbot documentation uses environment variable and parameter somewhat interchangeably; this is due to configured and set parameters being made available to external scripts as environment variables.

Task Environment Variables

Each time a task is run, a custom environment is generated for that task. For external tasks such as ssh-init, these values are actually set as environment variables for the process. Go tasks access these values with the GetParameter() API call.

The precedence of environment variables seen by a given task is determined by the algorithm in bot/run_pipelines.go:getEnvironment(). The various environment sources are listed here, in order from lowest to highest priority.

NameSpace Parameters

Various tasks, plugins and jobs can be configured to share parameters by defining NameSpaces in conf/robot.yaml, and setting the NameSpace parameter for a given task to the shared namespace. For instance, the ssh-init task and ssh-admin plugin both get access to the BOT_SSH_PHRASE environment variable via the ssh namespace.

Task Parameters

Individual tasks, plugins and jobs can also have Parameters defined. If present, these override any parameters set for a shared namespace.

Pipeline Parameters

Any time a job is run, the parameters for that job (including those inherited from it's namespace, if any) initialize the environment variables for the pipeline as a whole, and are available to all tasks in the pipeline. Parameters set in the pipeline override task and namespace parameters for any tasks run in the pipeline, allowing specific job parameters to override defaults for the task.

Plugins and Pipelines

Plugins can also start a new pipeline, but plugin parameters are not automatically added to the pipeline. Plugins can, however, explicity publish parameters to the pipeline with the SetParameter() API call.

Plugin tasks can also be added to a pipeline with the AddCommand(), FinalCommand() and FailCommand() API calls. Unlike tasks, plugins only inherit parameters from the pipeline when they are configured with Privileged: true in robot.yaml.

Repository Parameters

If a given Job calls the ExtendNamespace() API to start a build, the parameters for that repository set in conf/repositories.yaml overwrite any values in the current pipeline, which then behave as Pipeline Parameters as above.


Parameters set with the SetParameter() API call overwrite the current value for a pipeline. Parameters set with SetParameter() have the highest priority, and will always apply to later tasks in the pipeline.